I Have Decided will be our sermon series for the remaining Sundays in January. No doubt you have sung the hymn many times that has that name. My guess is that as you read the words below, you are actually singing them. Remember them with me:
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back, no turning back.
And that is just the first verse. The second sings that if no one goes with me, we will still follow. The third sings that the cross is before us and the world is behind us. Still, no turning back, no turning back. Is the tune in your head now?
I’d like for us to sing the hymn at the close of our worship services on Sunday, January 12, 19, and 26.
As for the sermons themselves, on January 12th, we will consider the story of the baptism of Jesus. All four of the gospel writers record it (that is significant), Luke concentrates more on what happened after the baptism that what happened during it. We will take our cue from Luke and concentrate on that, too. So our sermon’s title will be, “I Have Decided to Take the Journey.”
On January 19th, we will turn to the story of Jesus calling four of His disciples. You remember how it happened, don’t you? Jesus was walking up the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee, called out to two brothers, and invited them to come and follow Him. They did exactly that, they dropped their nets and whatever else was going on in their lives, and they followed Jesus. A few steps up the shoreline, he called two more disciples and the result was the same. For this sermon, I’d like for us to think about our following of Jesus, our discipleship. Our sermon’s title will simply be, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.” Original title, isn’t it?
Then on the last Sunday of January, I would like to look at one of the last passages in the gospel of Matthew. The scene happens after Jesus’ resurrection. The passage is one that we have come to call the Great Commission. In it, Jesus tells us to tell His story to the world. “Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” My question on this Sunday will be, How do we make disciples? Our sermon’s title will be: I Have Decided to Share My Faith.”
I am excited about this series. I hope you will be, too. I hope you will join me in worship on these January Sundays.