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March 2025
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On Our Way to Jerusalem
Nestled in the ninth chapter of the gospel of Luke, we find these words, When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem - Luke 9:51 I love the phrase, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. What it means is from that moment on, Jesus was bound and determined to go to the holy city. Because we live on this side of the cross, we know what awaited Jesus there. One of my mentors put it this way, “Between chapter nine and nineteen of Luke’s gospel, Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem and no one and nothing will prevent Him from getting there.” The season of Lent is a period of forty days (not counting Sundays), begins on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and ends on Holy Saturday (April 19). The word lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lencten, which literally means, spring. This spring, this Lenten season, we are going to make our way to Jerusalem, once again. To get there, I’d like to preach a series of sermons that we will call Gospeled Lives. The title comes from a Lenten study I did several years ago by that same title. The study is written by John Indermark. The subtitle of the book speaks, too. It is this one, Encounters with Jesus. Each week we will consider the theme and I will preach from one of the five suggested lessons. I thought that you might like to have the lineup, so here it is: March 9th – Theme will be Called. The sermon will be taken from Mark 10:46-52, the story of Bartimaeus receiving sight. March 16th – Theme will be Challenged. The sermon will be taken from Mark 10:35-45. There James and John have a request of Jesus. March 23rd – The theme will be Rejected. The sermon will be from Mark 6:1-6. There we find the story of Jesus experiencing rejection is his own hometown and among his own people. March 30th - The theme will be Transformed. The sermon will be taken from Luke 7:11-17. There, we find the story of raising a boy in Nain back to life. April 6th – The theme will be Empowered. The sermon will be taken from Luke 19:1-10. There we witness the encounter of Jesus and Zacchaeus. The encounter changes Zacchaeus’ life. April 13th – The theme will be Open Ended. Our sermon will focus on the crowd that followed Jesus most of his public life, and how the crowd turned on Him. Luke 19:28-40 will be our lesson for this year’s Palm Sunday. I invite you to join me on this annual journey to Jerusalem, to spend time with Jesus and to notice how He changes lives along the way. John Fleming For more infomation visit:
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Communion Servers for March
Stewards: 9:00 Servers: 11:00 Servers |
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More Than A MealFellowship Dinner and Devotion Our first “More than a Meal” will be on Wednesday, March 5th at 5:15 pm with a menu of Soup, Sandwiches and Dessert. As March 5th is also Ash Wednesday we will not be having a devotional time. However, we will all move into the sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday service at 6:00 pm. If you are planning on attending please sign up on the sheet at the Welcome Desk or you may mark next to your name in the attendance book how many will be attending. Example: John Fleming(2) or Jones Family(4). You can also RSVP using the button below. We also still need some volunteers to help with preparing the meals, serving and clean up. There are information sheets at the Welcome Desk if you are able to volunteer. Any questions please contact Aaron Hosman at 870-565-8367 or Hollye in the church office. For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/253e8004-a85f-45b6-bcbd-5af2a5207797
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Ash WednesdayLent Begins What is Lent? Why are we marked with a cross made of ashes? Join us for our Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes Service on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:00pm |
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Lenten Readers
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Easter Lilies$20 each Easter Lilies are on sale now! Lilies can be purchased for $20 each. You can order by filling out a form at the church office, filling out an online form using the button below or calling the church office Monday-Thursday 8:00-4:00. Payment for lilies can be made by check to the church, online via the website at fumcmh.org/give or using the direct link provided after you have submited your order. Remember to type "Easter Lilies" in the notes/memo section. The deadline to order is Monday, April 14th by noon. For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/dd07ceb9-429c-4934-800e-3e1d2210be28
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Gospeled LivesLenten Sermon Series "Gospeled" lives are lives that have encountered Jesus Christ. Christ's call leads to a continually unfolding story for each of us. An encounter with the living Christ demands a response. In this Lenten series we will learn about New Testament characters who encountered Jesus. Some responded with joy and gratitude. Others ignored or rejected his offer of good news. |
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Warming Center
Did you know that with the generous donations from our congregation Hope For All was able to provide 9 adults as well as their children and pets with a total of 12 nights in a warm hotel room during the lastest cold snap with below freezing temperatures? We also had some folks take advantage of our daytime warming center in the UMAC Commons to warm up on a couple of the coldest days. |
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Angel Food PantryThank You! THANK YOU for everyone who has donated food toward the Angel Food Pantry. The love and support shown for those in need in our community is exceptional! |
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FUMCMH ScholarshipsApplications are now open! Scholarship applications for the 2025/26 school year are now available for graduating High School seniors who plan to pursue a post secondary education. Apply online from the youth page of the website fumcmh.org or use the button below. Application deadline is May1st to be announced at the school awards night. July 1st is the final deadline to apply for the scholarship. For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/a6505f93-b9dc-4d6c-a746-32eda57059c6
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Holy WeekSchedule of Events Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday. At FUMC the week is full of impactful events to enrich your experience leading up to Easter Sunday. Each year, we start the week with a palm processional by our children at both services on Palm Sunday! It's great to see the young people of our church remembering and celebrating Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem! This year the children will also be singing on Palm Sunday! Thursday we will have our Maundy Thursday Service as we remember Jesus' time with the disciples in the upper room as he broke bread with them. Then on Friday we will have our Tenebrae service. This is a solemn and powerful service. The gradual extinguishing of candles symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and the hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness. We leave in silence to ponder the impact of Christ's death and await the Resurrection. Saturday is our Easter Extranza Family Event, Road to Resurrection. It has always been important to this church to provide an Easter event for children that focuses on Jesus and the true meaning of Easter. Then comes Easter Sunday! He is risen, we proclaim as we celebrate and rejoice in the resurrection! Too often most of our culture wants to go from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, and they don't want to encounter the pain and suffering that Christ went through in order for us to get to where we are today. The difficult days leading up to Easter Sunday are so very important. Yes it’s dark, but the days like Good Friday are there to remind us of our brokenness, our humanness, and our need to encounter the cross today. Experiencing all the days of Holy Week really helps us to understand and feel the immense joy of Easter Morning! For this reason, we encourage you to try to attend as many of these events as you can. This Easter, let’s consider the wonder of God's power and His love for us. He made the ultimate selfless sacrifice for us that we may live forever. He did this because He loves us. He knows us. He knows what we have done. He knows what we are going to do. But He loves us regardless. God doesn't need our praise or our service to Him; He desires it. It’s not what we do for God that gets us into heaven and gives us a right relationship with Him. It is only by faith in Jesus Christ that we are able to experience these things. April 13: Palm Sunday Services 9:00am & 11:00am April 17: Maundy Thursday Service 6:30pm April 18: Good Friday • Tenebrae Service 6:30pm April 19: Easter Extravaganza Family Event 11:00am - 1:00pm April 20: Easter Sunday Services 9:00am & 11:00am |
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Palm SundayApril 13 • 9:00 & 11:00 Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and begins the series of observances focusing on the events of Holy Week. This Sunday is also often referred to as Passion Sunday, marking the beginning of the passion or suffering of Jesus leading to and including the crucifixion. The Children and youth will process with palm branches at both services and the children will sing at both services. |
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Maundy ThursdayApril 17 • 6:30pm Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples in the upper room on the night before he was crucified. This service is solemn, marked by the shadow of Jesus’ betrayal. The service will include Holy Communion and the stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday & Easter Sunday. |
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Good Friday TenebraeApril 18 • 6:30pm A Tenebrae Service, sometimes referred to as a Service of Shadows, includes the gradual diminishing of light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness. We leave in silence to ponder the impact of Christ's death and await the Resurrection. |
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Easter ExtravaganzaRoad to Resurrection | APRIL 19 • 11:00am -1:00pm First United Methodist Church of Mountain Home invites children & their families to join us for a Holy Week and Easter family Event, Road to Resurrection! This is a family-friendly event that gets families talking…and walking with Jesus! Scripture from the Gospels guide families through the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection in this hands-on experience. Our hope is that this interactive event will deepen and enrich your family’s Easter experience. Don't forget your basket as the event will conclude with an egg hunt! |
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First KidzChildren's Ministry Hello Families! Can you believe it's March already? We finally had our Bible presentation and Exploration last Sunday and it was great! Congratulations to this year's 3rd graders! Studying Scripture is one of the most important ways we learn about God. FUMCMH presents personal Bibles to each student in 3rd grade or above as a statement of their growing faith development and as recognition of their being old enough to study Scripture on their own. We celebrate this tradition of presenting Bibles to our 3rd -5th grade students as a gift from the congregation. It is our prayer that this gift will be a starting point for a deeper relationship with God through Christ. 3rd Graders Next Wednesday, March 5th is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. We will be serving a meal that evening at 5:15 after children's ministry, followed by our Ash Wednesaday service at 6:00pm. I encourage you to attend this service as a family and to talk to your kids about Lent. Lent and Easter provide us with an important opportunity for families to celebrate what Christ has done. In the April newsletter, I will be sharing an Easter Family Devotional with you once again this year. As you inch closer to Easter, this devotional will help you lead your kids through the events of Holy Week, including the Triumphal Entry, the Last Supper, and the death and resurrection of Jesus. With talking points, devotionals, and guided prayers. Hopefully by doing this family devotional together, your kids will grow a greater understanding of who they are in Christ and the victorious hope we have in Him! Speaking of Holy Week, the children will be processing with palms and singing on Palm Sunday, April 13th at both the 9:00 and 11:00 services. We have a month to get ready for that. Look for more details in the next newsletter. We have already started planning our anual Easter Extravaganza, Road to Resurrection! This is an Easter Event for families on Saturday, April 19th from 11:00 to 1:00 so mark your calendars now! Have a blessed month of March! Laura For more infomation visit:
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605 Student MinistriesGrades 6-12 Hello 605 Students, Families, and Friends! Blessings and hopefully a lucky March! Kyra Anthony VERITAS 2025 For more infomation visit:
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An Old Irish Blessing
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Memorial & HonorariumsFebruary WESLEY KITCHEN GENERAL FUND |
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Prayer ListIf you wish to add a concern to our list, please contact the church office at 425-6036. You can also submit prayers to the prayer wall on the church app or by filling out a prayer request card on Sunday and dropping it in the offering plate. Concerns: |
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Have a blessed month!