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October , 2024
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Rev. John Fleming
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Better TogetherSermon Series For a minute or two, think with me about things that go better together. What comes to mind? Here are a few for me. Peanut butter and jelly. Baseball and hot dogs. Popcorn and a movie. Macaroni and cheese. My guess is that you could come up with plenty of pairs of things that go better together. Might I suggest that our church is better when we are together, doing things that build up the church, together? Later this month, we will begin a series of sermons that we will simply call Better Together. Each week, we will take one of the five promises we make when we joined our church, and talk about how we do that particular thing better when we do it together. We will start with the idea of what our church life will be like when we pray together. In the second week, we will talk about how important it is for us to show up at important moments in the lives of those that we love. The same can be said of our church lives. In the third week, we will talk about the importance of witnessing to our faith. This Sunday is also All Saint’s Sunday, so we will pause and give thanks for those who have made us better. In the fourth sermon, we will talk about how we are better when we give together. And we will finish the series up with the idea that we are a better church when we serve together (spoiler alert: this sermon will include what I learned at our Cottage Meetings). I am excited about these sermons and I want to ask you not to miss a Sunday during the series. The Better Together series will also be our annual look at stewardship. On the final Sunday in it, November 17th, we will have the chance to commit again to the ministries of the church in the five ways that make us better together. I hope that you will begin now praying about the pledge that you will make that help our church be the very best that it can be. I’m looking forward to what God will do through us! John Fleming
For more infomation visit:
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New Life GroupAdult Fellowship Group We have a new LifeGroup meeting on Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Library, Room #201. Anyone interested in joining is welcomed to be a part of it. They will be studying a book called Praying With Paul. Lifegroups are a wonderful way to connect and fellowship with one another as well as watch over one another in love. How is it with your soul? If you are interested in starting or joining a Lifegroup, call the church office for more information. |
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UMAC Closed for VotingOctober 18 through November 6 The Baxter County Election Commission will be using the Commons and the gym in the UMAC for the 2024 Election from Friday, October 18th through Wednesday, November 6th. We will be the only Early Voting location in Baxter County. For this reason, the UMAC will be closed during this time. Our Children and Youth ministries will continue but we will relocate to the main campus. Drop off and pick up will be at the main office door instead of the UMAC. If you need anything out of the UMAC during that time period please see Hollye Lee or Dave Grimwood. |
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Trick or TrunkSunday, October 27th It's that time again folks! Put on your creative caps and mark your calendars! It's time for our Trick or Trunk Fall Festival! We usually have a huge community turnout so we need lots of trunks! If you are unfamiliar with Trick or Trunk, the congregation decorates their trunk with a game for children to play and candy to hand out. Please make sure your candy is individually wrapped. If you'd like to help by bringing extra candy, you may drop it off in the church office. There will be hot dogs, popcorn door prizes and more! So, dress up and participate in the fun! If you need ideas for your trunk, Pintrest is a great resource. Set up will begin at 4:00pm. Trick or Trunk starts at 5:00pm and ends at 6:30pm. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me and if you plan on doing a trunk, please let me know! Thank You! Laura Pedigo For more infomation visit:
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In-gatheringOctober 1 – October 30th Each year your Ingathering donations are used to help disaster survivors nationally. Whether it be a small-town event, statewide disaster, or helping our neighbors. As with so much in our lives, we tend to start taking the easy way out, so as soon as an event happens (and the area is safe) teams will start walking the neighborhoods. Our main purpose is to make sure everyone is safe and has questions answered. This has 3 objectives; show God’s love, provide a small number of supplies, and help the local pastors check on their congregations. The pastors are experiencing the disaster also and are overwhelmed. This year’s collections consist of: Cleaning Buckets: For more infomation visit:
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Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month as we get together for food, fun and fellowship! Dinner begins at 5:15pm. Dinner is a great opportunity for multi-generational fellowship so invite someone younger or older than you to sit at your table so you can get to know them! It's also a wonderful opportunity to get to know others who attend a different service than you. Our next meal will be Wednesday, November 6th. We hope to see you there! If you or your group are interested in sponsoring a meal, please see Hollye Lee. Also, if you are able to help set up, serve, and/or clean up, please let us know. For more infomation visit:
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All Saints SundaySunday, November 3rd Each year, on All Saints Sunday, we publish a list of those who have gone on to glory since the previous year’s remembrance and include it in our Sunday worship bulletins. Additionally, during each of our worship services on November 3rd, we will have a reading of the names of the saints and a bell will toll and a candle will be lit with the reading of each name. We will be sending out letters to the next of kin of each of those lost in the past year to invite them to church on the day that we honor the loved ones they have lost. |
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UMCORDisaster Relief Hurricane Helene has devastated parts of the southeastern U.S., bringing catastrophic wind, rain and flash flooding to many states and communities. In response, UMCOR is coordinating with affected annual conferences and supporting their local relief efforts. So far, UMCOR has awarded solidarity grants to the North Georgia, South Georgia, Western North Carolina and Holston annual conferences. Additionally, UMCOR-trained Early Response Teams (ERTs) are coordinating efforts to support the removal of debris, tarping of roofs, and cleaning out of homes in hard-hit areas. To support these disaster response efforts, make checks payable to FUMC and write "UMCOR" on the memo line of your check or give online at fumcmg.org/give and choose "dedicated" for fund and put "UMCOR" in the memo/notes section. 100% of all funds donated goes to the relief efforts. |
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Let There Be ChristmasCome sing with us! Do you love to sing? The chancel choir is starting practice for this year's Christmas cantata. If you would like to sing in this year's cantata, Let There Be Christmas, please contact Terre Ware. Practice is on Wednesday evenings at 7:20pm after the regular choir practice. Performances will be 7:00pm on Friday, December 13 and 11:00am on Sunday December 15. For more infomation visit:
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Thanksgiving Baskets
We are begining to collect donations for this year's Thanksgiving vouchers. This ministry and your donations allow us to share the love and light of Christ by helping families in need have a wonderful family holiday meal. If you would like to give to this ministry, make checks payable to FUMC and put "Thanksgiving Baskets" in the memo section. If you give online, be sure to choose "dedicated fund" and put "Thanksgiving Baskets" in the memo/notes section. Thank you for your generosity! |
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Download the FUMCMH Church App!
If you would like to stay in the know with all things First United Methodist Church Mountain Home, download our church app. You can access news and events, watch services, listen to sermons, receive important push notifications and more; all via your phone! Simply click on the button below from your phone to download the app. You can also use the QR code above using your phone's camera. For more infomation visit: https://tithely.app.link/fumcmh https://tithely.app.link/fumcmh
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First Kidz Ministry CornerChildren Pre-K - - 5th Grade Wow! It's hard to believe it's October already! Fall is one of my favorite times of year! With the leaves changing color and the cool temperatures, what's not to like? Wednesday afternoons have been amazing! We are still loving our "Dig In" curriculum! If your child is not already attending Wednesdays, I urge you to get them signed up. You can register them here. Thank you to the many Wednesday volunteers who make this possible! You are all rockstars! And don't forget about Sundays! Our Kidz Connection time is every Sunday from 10:00 to 10:45am. We are using the "Dig In" Sunday School component that goes hand in hand with our Wednesday curriculum. If you are interested in being on a rotation to teach on Sundays, please let me know. If we get enough teachers, you will hopefully only have to teach once a month. October 27th is our annual Trick or Trunk Fall Festival from 5:00pm to 6:30pm! There will be food, games, candy, a bounce house and more! We hope you will get your costumes out and bring your kids and their friends! This is a huge event in the community and you will want to be a part of it! I'm pretty excited about my costume and my trunk and I can't wait to see how you all dress up! Please let me know if you plan on doing a trunk. Congratulations to our newest acolytes, Raeleigh Ahrenstorff, Kynlee Ahrenstorff, Garnet Simmons, James Clarke and Cannon Lee! Thank you to all our acolytes. It's wonderful to see you serving God at a young age. Not only are you carrying the light of Christ in and out of Worship, you are also being the light of Christ by showing your servants' hearts! I am so very proud of all of you! I will be sending out the acolyte schedule this week and you can also find it here. If your child is unable to acolyte on there scheduled day you may switch with another acolyte or ask an alternate to fill in. God Bless! Laura Pedigo
For more infomation visit:
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605 Student MinistriesYouth 6th-12th Grade 605 Students and Families! I cannot believe that September is over already and we are already into October! I love the fall months as the weather get cooler and my sweatshirts and sweaters get cozier! There are some amazing things happening as we start moving towards the holiday season here at the church. So far we have been doing well with our new Wednesday Youth Schedule. If you need anything regarding that please let me know! It has been wonderful to meet with our middle schoolers and our high schoolers! We have also been able to share in some awesome meals together! Thank you to everyone who has helped with that and if you are looking to provide a meal we still have plenty of Wednesdays available this fall for you to do that! On your monthly newsletter there was a parent meeting scheduled for October 9th- Please note that this has been cancelled. We will be attending Fields of Faith at the high school this night, so we will not be having that parent meeting. Trick-or-Trunk is coming October 27th!! If you are able to join us that night from 5:00-6:30, we would love to have you! This is a great opportunity for students to volunteer to run some trunks for our younger kids if they are looking for some service hours. Please reach out with any questions. Don’t forget about Sunday School!! We have been having a great turn out each week for The Table, hosted in the youth room each Sunday from 10:00-10:45AM! We would love to have you join us! A look into this month as well! We are beginning our new Series October 9th called Unafraid! Here is a look into that new series! UNAFRAID: A 4-Week Series from the Old Testament on Trusting God Here is a look into the rest of October: October 2- Youth Group Please feel free to reach out if you ever need anything! Know that you are loved and prayed for always! Blessings! Kyra Anthony For more infomation visit:
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Memorials & Honorariums
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September Giving
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Prayer List
Concerns: Names from 2023 have been removed at this time. If there is a name that needs to be added back on or a name that can be removed, please contact Hollye Lee. |