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November, 2024
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Pastor John FlemingGiving Thanks! It is November. Halloween is behind us and it’s not time for Christmas yet (though if you go to Hobby Lobby or Wal-Mart, you will see Christmas decorations up). My older daughter reports that her Christmas tree is up. I am not ready for that! For more infomation visit:
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Communion ServersNovember 3 Stewards: 9:00 Servers: 11:00 servers: |
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All Saints SundaySunday, November 3rd On Sunday November 3rd, we will be remembering those of our church family who have gone on to glory since the last All Saints Sunday. At both services, names will be read, a bell tolled, and a candle lit for each of those we are remembering. |
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Trick or TrunkThank You! THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Trick or Trunk a huge success! From our record breaking 22 trunks, to our hot dog and popcorn crew, registration, bounce house security and our fantastic facilities crew for the fast and speedy clean up. We couldn’t have this wonderful event without each and every one of you! There were hundreds of people from our community that enjoyed our festivities! What a wonderful way to show our community how much we care! Photos from the event will be posted on the church Facebook page so check it out! For more infomation visit: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.855898816754213&type=3
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Nursery Volunteers WantedBoth Services We are looking for volunteers to work in the nursery during services. Our hope is to get enough volunteers so that you only need to work once a month or so. Please contact Hollye Lee if you are interested. For more infomation visit:
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Daylight Saving
Daylight Savings ends at 1:00am next Sunday, November 3rd so remember to set your clocks back Saturday night. |
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Thanksgiving Baskets
We are collecting now for 2024 Thanksgiving Baskets. Each family will receive a $50 gift card for a Thanksgiving meal. |
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Better TogetherOur Stewardship Campaign & Capital Campaign Coming Soon As I write these words, we are more than half way through our Fall stewardship sermon series. As I hope you know, we are looking at the promises that we make when we joined our church. The five (equally important in my opinion) are that we support our church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. We’ve had sermons on three of the five promises. The last two will happen on November 10th and 17th. The idea behind this series is that we are better and our church is stronger when we live out these five promises, together. Soon, pledge cards will be mailed to you. You will have the chance to commit, again, to our church in these five ways. The front of the card will give you the opportunity to consider your financial gift. The back of the card, the chance to commit to the other four promises. I hope that you will begin now to consider this question, “What does God want to do through me this next year at my church?” Consecration or commitment Sunday will be November 17th. I also wanted you to know that there is a Capital Campaign in the works that will happen in late January of 2025. Our hope with the campaign is to retire our debt and to complete some much needed projects here at the church. My hope is that as you make your pledge on November 17th to the Better Together campaign, you will give to the building fund until this second campaign gives you to consider what a three-year commitment to the building fund might look like. I do believe that we are Better Together. |
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Charge Conference ScheduledNovember 18th @ 5:30PM Please put November 18th on your calendars and plan to join us in the Christian Worship Center at 5:30 for this year’s Charge Conference. Every year the church is asked to complete a series of reports and turn those in to the District Superintendent. Once received and a conference is scheduled, they come to the church to conduct the meeting. It is a time to hear how the church is doing in several ways and to celebrate the good things that are happening.
It would mean a lot to me if you would plan on attending this year’s Charge Conference. It is scheduled for November 18th at 5:30 p.m. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Zach Roberts, will be us to conduct the meeting and the celebration. Should you have questions, please let us know. |
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Church Office ClosedHappy Thanksgiving! The church office will be closed on Wednesday, November 27 and Thursday November 28 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving! |
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Fluffing the Greens
Wednesday, November 20th at 4:00pm in the Parlor we will be fluffing the greens in preparation of the Hanging of the Greens and need some help. If you have questions, contact Jill Chandler, otherwise just show up and help! |
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Hanging of the GreensCome and celebrate the tradition! Sunday, November 24th at 12:15pm. We will begin with a soup lunch. Then we will decorate! Come and join the fun! With other obligations this year on this day we need as many hands as possible to make light work we hope to see all of your smiling faces there with us! |
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Wesley Kitchen
Wesley Kitchen will be having their Thanksgiving meal on Monday, November 25th. |
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Save the DateLet There Be Christmas The Cantata according to Joseph M. Martin: In one great crescendo of purpose, the season of Christmas sweeps us into its arms with an unfettered flourish of festivity. The glare of this explosion of activity often overshadows the fragile light that is the spiritual center of this sacred time. Simply, and with unexpected gentleness, Bethlehem's star flickers to life like a candle in the winter wind just when the night is longest. It kindles in the open heart a deep hope that warms and illuminates. It is by the dancing light of promise we discover the miracle of the season. Emboldened, we are drawn close to the manger. By this candle of faith we see the Child of God, wrapped in the simple, the Creator embraced and held by His own creation. It is the glorious impossible that proclaims, Let there be SONG... as a young mother's lullaby becomes a symphony of praise that wakes the nations. Let there be FAITH... as ancient scrolls unfurl to reveal the loving Word of God. Let there be HOPE... as the promise of a Redeemer opens like a sacred rose in the soul of the believer. Let there be PEACE... as the Spirit descends like a Dove with healing in its wings. Let there be LOVE... as the world feels the embrace of God's perfect light. Let there be JOY... as our cup of worship overflows with thanksgiving. Let there be WONDER... as each seeker's eyes reflect a glory that melts away doubt and reveals the treasure of belief. Let there be GRACE... and discover the heart of God. Let there be CHRISTMAS... and let the music of life begin and never end! There are two opportunities to experience Let There Be Christmas so mark your calendars! |
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First KidzChildren's Ministry Hello families! It's hard to believe that November is here already! I hope you were able to come ot our Trick-or-Trunk Fall Festival, we had a blast! We are having loads of fun on Wednesdays and we are loving our Dig In curriculum, Foundations of Faith! Thank you for letting us share it with your kiddos! Speaking of thanks, I am so very grateful for all our children's ministry volunteers! It is because of our many volunteers that this ministry is both possible and amazing! When you see them, please take a moment to say thanks. If you are interested in volunteering in any way with children's ministry, let me know! With Thanksgiving being this month, let's all try to have an attitude of gratitude and remember to thank God every day for the blessings He has given us! There will be no Wednesday afternoon activities or meal the week of Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a blessed holiday. Most of you should have recieved the red flash drive with the children's christmas music on it. I hope you will play this for your kids whenever you get the chance as it will help them learn the songs between being at church once a week. If you haven't, please see Laura to get your flashdrive The Christmas program is called Uncertain Poor Shepherds and parts will be going home next week. The date of our Christmas program will be December 18th right after our fellowship meal. So plan to eat and stay for the fun that day. Feel free to contact me anytime! Have a blessed month! Laura Law For more infomation visit:
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605 Student Ministries
Happy November 605 Students, Families, and Friends! I am very excited for this month. It feels like time is flying by, but I love sweater weather, the opportunity to gather around a fire with friends and smores, and all the beautiful colors that fall brings in the trees! We have had a busy start to the school year and October brought so many wonderful events including football games, volleyball matches, golf tournaments, homecoming, lunches at each of the schools, and so many other awesome things in our community! I love being able to come and celebrate all of the things that our students participate in and getting to spend time with them, family members, and folks in our community. If your students are participating in anything that I am able to come watch or be a part of please let me know and I will add it to the calendar. I do my best to make as much local stuff as possible and if I have enough notice, I will try to come to the big out of town things! Our church loves our students and loves to help them serve and engage in worship. With this we are working to stuff each fourth Sunday of the month with student volunteers! I would love to help your student get involved in serving during both services where they are interested. Sign-ups will be available during youth and email reminders for those who signed up will be sent before that Sunday! If you or your student is involved in helping let me know and we will put you on the sign up! November is here and this month is full of some amazing opportunities for all of our students. Here are some highlights: November 1st is Senior Night at the football game beginning at 6:00PM! I would love to stuff the stands with folks from the church to support our amazing seniors and all students at the football game! I hope you will join us! November 20th is our Game Night and Progressive Dinner! All students in 6th-12th grade are invited to join us after school for some games and time to hang out together and then we will travel to members of our congregation for the different parts of our meal! I hope all of our students will join us for this fun night!
Here is what to expect for the whole month: November 1st: Senior Night at the Foot Ball Game 6:00PM November 3rd: Sunday School in the Gathering Room from 10:00-10:45AM November 6th: Youth Group (Back in the UMAC) November 7th: Lunch at the Junior High November 9th: Day Trip for 6th-8th Grade Students November 10th: Sunday School (Back in the Youth Room) from 10:00-10:45AM November 13th: Youth Group November 17th: Sunday School from 10:00-10:45AM November 18th: Lunch at Pinkston Middle School November 20th: Game Night and Progressive Dinner November 21st: Lunch at the High School November 24th: Youth Volunteer Sunday November 24th: Sunday School from 10:00-10:45AM November 24th: Hanging of the Greens 12:00PM November 27th: NO YOUTH! Happy Thanksgiving! Blessings and please reach out if you ever need anything! Kyra Anthony Director of Student Ministries
For more infomation visit:
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Download the FUMCMH Church App!
If you would like to stay in the know with all things First United Methodist Church Mountain Home, download our church app. You can access news and events, watch services, listen to sermons, receive important push notifications and more; all via your phone! Simply click on the button below from your phone to download the app. You can also use the QR code above using your phone's camera. For more infomation visit: https://tithely.app.link/fumcmh https://tithely.app.link/fumcmh
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October Giving
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Prayer List
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Memorials & Honorariums
BACKPACK FOOD 4 KIDS In Honor of Backpack Volunteers SUNSHINE FUND