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December, 2024
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Rev. John FlemingA Simple Christmas Most of you know the name Amy Grant. Amy has been on the music scene for as long as I can remember. Every year, when it is time to play Christmas songs in my car, I turn to a playlist that I created some time ago. Eight of the thirty-five songs are sung by Amy Grant. Twelve of the songs are sung by Michael W. Smith. I love the all of the Christmas songs that have been written, sung, and produced throughout the years. I need a silent night, a holy night To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here To end this crazy day with a silent night If this is the way you feel, too, then you might appreciate our December sermon series. We are calling it, A Simple Christmas. Below are the scripture lessons and titles for our sermons. It is easy for Christmas to get away from us, for us to miss the point of the season. The point is not the decorations or the meals or the presents. The point is that Jesus is coming to live among us and that’s something we simply must celebrate. December 1st: “A Simple Promise” Luke 1:11-17 December 8th: “Eleven Simple Sentences” Matthew 1:18-25 December 15th: “A Simple Invitation” Luke 2:8-12 December 22nd: “A Simple Gift Exchange” Matthew 2:1-12 December 24th: "What Christmas Is All About” Luke 2:1-20 December 29th: “Worth the Wait” Luke 2:21-40 It is going to be a wonderful season, my first with you as your pastor. I’m looking forward to it! Pastor John For more infomation visit:
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Communion SundayDecember 1 Stewards: |
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Advent ReadersAdvent 2024 begins Sunday, December 1st CROSSROADS
December 1: The King Family
December 8: Sue Strop
December 15: The Clarke Family
December 22: The Drennin Family
December 1: Bella & Jack Chance
December 8: Glen & Pansy Dimick
December 15: The Coleman Family
December 22: Tommy & Brenda Knight
5:00pm Service: Rick, Melissa & Jackson Steiner
11:00pm Service: Bruce & Marilyn Loveless
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Christmas Float Work DayDecember 1st at 3:00pm We will begin assemblig our float for the Christmas parade on December 1st at 3:00pm as well as 3:00pm Monday and Tuesday. We need your help! Additional work days will be Thursday and Friday if needed. If you are able to help, we will be working in the shop up on the hill behind the church. |
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Advent StudyThe Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem The season of Advent is near. The season emcompasses the four weeks prior to our Christmas celebration. The season asks us to prepare our hearts and minds for the arrival of the Christ child. This year, on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 p.m., Pastor John will be offering The Journey, by Adam Hamilton. The dates will be December 1, 8, 15, and 22. We have ordered a limited number of books. Email Hollye Lee to reserve your copy (and to let us know that you are interested in this class) or, feel free to order your book on Amazon using the button below. The cost of the books will be $12. Join Pastor John and your fellow church friends as we journey to Bethlehem.
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Christmas PoinsettiasOrder Today! If you would like to order a poinsettia to honor or memorialize a special person in your life, fill out a form at the office or Hospitality Desk and attach your payment or call the church office to order. You can also order online using the button below. The price is $20.00. The deadline for orders is Monday, December 9th. The poinsettias will adorn the main sanctuary beginning on Friday, December 13th for the first performance of the Cantata and will be split between the Contemporary Worship Center and the sanctuary for the remainder of Advent. For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/10f4fba7-d86e-4efb-af44-87ee810fd523
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Let There Be Christmas2024 Christmas Cantata The Cantata according to Joseph M. Martin: In one great crescendo of purpose, the season of Christmas sweeps us into its arms with an unfettered flourish of festivity. The glare of this explosion of activity often overshadows the fragile light that is the spiritual center of this sacred time. Simply, and with unexpected gentleness, Bethlehem's star flickers to life like a candle in the winter wind just when the night is longest. It kindles in the open heart a deep hope that warms and illuminates. It is by the dancing light of promise we discover the miracle of the season. Emboldened, we are drawn close to the manger. By this candle of faith we see the Child of God, wrapped in the simple, the Creator embraced and held by His own creation. It is the glorious impossible that proclaims, Let there be SONG... as a young mother's lullaby becomes a symphony of praise that wakes the nations. Let there be FAITH... as ancient scrolls unfurl to reveal the loving Word of God. Let there be HOPE... as the promise of a Redeemer opens like a sacred rose in the soul of the believer. Let there be PEACE... as the Spirit descends like a Dove with healing in its wings. Let there be LOVE... as the world feels the embrace of God's perfect light. Let there be JOY... as our cup of worship overflows with thanksgiving. Let there be WONDER... as each seeker's eyes reflect a glory that melts away doubt and reveals the treasure of belief. Let there be GRACE... and discover the heart of God. Let there be CHRISTMAS... and let the music of life begin and never end! There are two opportunities to experience Let There Be Christmas so mark your calendars! Friday, December 13th at 7:00pm |
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Christmas Fellowship MealWednesday, December 18 at 5:30pm Our Christmas Fellowship Meal and Baby Jesus Shower will be Wednesday, December 18th at 5:30pm in the CWC. The children will perform their program Uncertain Poor Shepherds at 6:00pm followed by The Baby Jesus Shower with cookies, cupcakes and hot chocolate. So that we can be sure to have enough food, please RSVP by Thursday, December 12th by calling the church office, by signing up at the Welcome Desk or by using the button below. Please contact Hollye at the church office if you have any questions. For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/5aedd281-b326-4cf6-b7d6-bf8dda8c0fe3
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Uncertain Poor ShepherdsChildren's Christmas Program Have you ever wondered what it might sound like if you could hear the angels tell the story of their encounter with the shepherds on that first Christmas night? Or how the shepherds might tell it from their perspective? Even better, can you imagine hearing the angels and shepherds telling the story together? Even though it’s not possible to know for sure, in Uncertain Poor Shepherds, we can have some fun imagining what that conversation might sound like. Join us on December 18th at 6:00pm for Uncertain Poor Shepherds. |
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Baby Jesus Shower
After the Christmas Fellowship Meal on December 18th, we will have our annual Baby Jesus Shower complete with Ms. Shirley Poynter cupcakes, cookies and hot cocoa! Please bring an unwrapped gift suitable for a baby boy or girl. These gifts will be distributed to babies in need in our local community. |
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Angel TreeBe a blessing Choose an angel from the Angel Trees in the Narthex. These are names of our homebound brothers and sisters as well as those in nursing homes. Be a blessing to them this Christmas by sending a card, gift or just calling or visiting them over the holidays. A huge thank you to Susan Podsiadlik for our beautiful crochet angels this year! |
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Warming TreeHelping Children Stay Warm This Winter Donate hats and/or mittens of all sizes for children in need by placing them on the Mitten Tree in the Narthex. The items will be distributed after Christmas to children in need in our local community. |
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Closed for the Holidays
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Christmas Eve ServicesCarols, Communion and Candlelight One of the most beautiful and reverent traditions in this church is our Christmas Eve service. Filled with familiar Christmas carols, special Christmas soloists, a special Christmas anthem by the Chancel Choir, and a special musical piece by one of the handbell choirs, it’s quite spectacular! The service will end with candlelight as we sing "Silent Night” to commemorate the light coming out of the darkness. This year, we are offering a second option for Christmas Eve worship at 11:00pm. This will be a more intimate service but will be just as powerful. We will conclude the late service with candlelight as well. Pastor John said it like this: "Imagine how powerful it will be when we walk out of here and it's Christmas morning." Please join us at one of these poweful services as we celebrate the birth of the Christ-child, The Light of the World, our Savior, Emanuel, God With Us! |
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One Service December 29th11:00am - In the Sanctuary On December 29th we will have one service at 11:00 in the sanctuary. There will be no Sunday School that day but we will have a time of fellowship beginning at 10:00 in the Contemporary Worship Center. Bring your favorite cookies to share and join us before worship! |
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Thursday Morning JoyWomen's Fellowship & Study Group On Thursday, January 9th we will begin a new study “David – Seeking a Heart Like His” by Beth Moore. This 11-week study will focus the life of David and will include a DVD presentation by Beth Moore each week. If you are thinking of attending this year’s “Sight and Sound” presentation on David, this study will get you prepared! A study book is recommended and costs $18.00 if ordered through class. Thursday Morning Joy meets Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM in the Seeker’s Classroom, #213. New members are always welcome - come anytime, listen and try us out. We have bible study along with fun, fellowship, prayer, and even food (sometimes)! a great way to spend a Thursday morning! Call or text Sandra Bainbridge at 656-3950 for more information or to order a book. |
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First Kidz CornerChildren's Ministries Hello Families! Advent is here which means it's officially the Christmas season! I love Christmas! It's my favorite time of year. Once again this year, I am sharing the Family Advent Guide from Lifeway. It's a great way to make sure your children understand the true meaning of Christmas. You can access this guider using the button below. This year's Christmas parade is Friday, December 6th and we need children & youth to ride the float as well as adults to walk and hand out candy. We are beginning the float assembly on Sunday December 1st at 3:00pm and can use all the help we can get. Mission is an important part of Christmas - even for children. We are planning to go caroling accross the street at Southern Meadows Wednesday, December 11 with the kids and youth. Ms. Shirley Poynter will be playing the piano for us. The residents really love this and it means so much to them. The Kids have been working hard on this year's Christmas program, Uncertain Poor Shepherds. Please be sure they are here the next few Wednesdays because we will be recording on December 4th and 11th. The program will be after the Christmas Fellowship Meal on December 18th at 6:00pm! Please make plans to stay for dinner that day. You can RSVP for the meal using the link in this newsletter. After the Children's Program we will be having our annual Baby Jesus Shower. Please bring an unwrapped gift for a baby boy or baby girl. The gifts will be to children in need in our local community. We will have Ms. Shirley Poynter cupcakes and hot cocoa too! That will be our final Wednesday ministry day until January. Our first Wednesday back will be Wednesday, January 8th. God Bless & Have a Very Merry Christmas! Love you all! Laura Law
For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/file/2911963e-844e-4e47-89af-42fe35574b44/
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605 Student MinistriesYouth 6th-12th Grade Happy December 605 Students and Families! It is the Christmas Season Already! I hope you all enjoyed your thanksgiving and soaked up all this fall had to offer. It was a busy one for us! This time of year, is a crazy one. It is full of parties, celebrations, eating too much, baking too much, laughing and spending time with friends. I want to encourage you all to take some time and embrace what Christmas is truly about. Take a drive and enjoy the Christmas lights, take time as a family and decorate the Christmas tree or watch your favorite movie! But also spend some time together exploring the Christmas Story and what this season really means for all of us! We also have a ton of amazing things going on this December! Here are a few highlights and then the calendar is at the bottom! December 1st: We are starting the work on the float for the Christmas Parade. Join us at 3:00PM in the workshop behind the church to help us put everything together! December 6th: Christmas Parade Day! We are so excited to be participating in the Christmas Parade this year with our float. December 14th: Food Box Packing at the Food Bank! Join us for this service opportunity on the second Saturday of the month! Please sign up with Kyra if you plan to attend. December 18th: Christmas Celebration Day! This is the day we will be celebrating Christmas with the church! We will have time to hang out after school, a Christmas Meal, the Children’s Christmas Program, a Baby Jesus Shower, and our Youth Christmas party! Students and Families are invited to join us for one or all the things going on that night! We hope to see you! Here is the Whole December Calendar: December 1st: Sunday School Kyra Anthony For more infomation visit:
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November Memorials and Honorariums
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Monthly GivingNovember 2024 |
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Prayer ListIf you wish to add a concern to our list, please contact the church office at 425-6036. You can also submit prayers to the prayer wall on the church app. Concerns: |
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