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August 2024
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Welcome New Pastor!Rev. John Flemming We are so excited to welcome our new pastor, Rev. John Fleming & his family! John grew up in Jackson, Tennessee with deep roots in Arkansas. While at Lambuth College, where John majored in Religion, he met Susie. The two have been married since 1993 and have welcomed two daughters, Annie Grace Groves (Garret) and Julie. Susie has been a school teacher for many years. Following graduation from Lambuth, John went on to get his Masters of Divinity from the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. John has served churches of all sizes, from small churches to very large ones, and in the towns of Camden, Little Rock, Sheridan, Paragould, and Springdale. Some of you may have met John before because he also served as the District Superintendent for the Northeast District from 2019-2022. John enjoys running and has been an Atlanta Braves baseball fan since childhood. When it comes to the ministry, John is passionate about worship, preaching, discipleship, and missions. He also brings the gifts of healing and helping churches realize their potential. John is excited about serving First United Methodist Church and the community of Mountain Home. John's first Sunday in the pulpit will be Sunday August 25th. Let's all plan on attending worship that Sunday and show John and Susie what a friendly and hospital church we are and welcome them into our church family! |
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Communion ServersAugust 4 Stewards: 9:00 Servers: 11:00 servers: |
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Order Your Photos and/or Church Directory Today!Deadline to order photos is August 15th It's time to order your church directory and/or photos! For those who had their directory pictures taken here at the church, you will soon be receiving a personal link to view your photos. After choosing any that you might want to order, use the button below to order photos as well as your directory. You can order a digital directory (PDF) for FREE or a printed directory for $10. For those who did not have photos taken, you can still order your directory using the form, email Laura llaw@fumcmh.org or Hollye hlee@fumcmh.org or call the church office at 870-425-6036. For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/2a1fedd1-8cda-48f0-b112-b1188c7ac0df
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Back To School At The PoolChurch-wide Event • August 17th This year we will be having our back to school bash at the city pool on Saturday, August 17th! We will have pizza and popsicles. Bottled water will be available but you are welcome to bring your own drinks if you like. All are welcome to join us! We will also be having a crossover event to celebrate all of the kids who are crossing over from our First Kidz Children's Ministry to our 605 Student Ministry so put this date on your calendar! You won't want to miss it! |
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Blessing of the BackpacksSunday, August 18th Before school starts back, we would like to bless not only the backpacks of the students, but also the students themselves and the educators. Sunday, August 18th we will be doing the Blessing of the Backpacks at each service. All students and teachers are encouraged to bring their backpacks/bags to worship that day to be blessed. Each student & teacher will recieve a backpack tag to place on their backpack as a reminder of God’s presence with them at school and the prayers of their church family. We will pray over the students and educators and ask God to equip them with all they need for a wonderful 2024/25 school year. |
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Baxter County FairVolunteers wanted Baxter County Fair is August 21st-24th. First United Methodist Church will have an indoor booth this year and we are looking for volunteers to man the booth in shifts. We would like at least 2 people at each shift. If you would like to sign up for a shift or several shifts, you can sign up now using the button below or a sign up sheet is located in the office during the week and will be at the welcome desks Sunday Morning. You can also call the church office and we can help get you signed up. For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DAEA628A6FAC61-50465943-fair
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Ice Cream Social Welcome Receptionfor our new pastor and his family Help us show a HUGE FUMCMH welcome to Rev. John Fleming and his wife Susie on August 25th at 7:00pm. This will be an Ice Cream Social so bring your favorite ice cream and topping to share! We will have a basket for cards as well! |
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Did you Know?Sunshine Ministry Many of you have asked about who sends the wonderful cards to the people listed on our prayer list. I thought this would be a great opportunity to put that information out. There is a ministry started many years ago called The Sunshine Ministry. Carla Johnson is our designated Sunshine person and is the one you have to thank for the lovely cards sent out on behalf of our church. This is an important and powerful ministry that can make a big impact on our loved ones listed on the church prayer list. Thank you to Carla for her years of dedication to this ministry. If you see her or talk to her, be sure to thank her! |
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Ladies Summer Luncheon
The Women’s Summer Luncheon was a delightful experience! 38 women enjoyed a buffet of delicious salads, interesting conversations, and sunflower treats. Fran Thueson was honored with a farewell gift and many hugs. Thanks to the Monday Morning Life Group for hosting! Let’s do it again! |
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Robert, Michelle, James and Vivian Clarke
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Backpack Food 4 Kids
Backpack Food 4 Kids will begin packing and delivering food again begining August 28th. We’ll kick off the program by collecting peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, and individual snacks as the entry fee for Bomberfest on Friday, August 23. We hope you will come out and show your support! We could still use a few men for our delivery teams (to deliver the bins to the schools ). It only takes about 2 hours one Wednesday morning each month. Please call Kathy Bauer 870-321-0019 or the church office to volunteer. We appreciate your support and prayers as we begin a new school year! |
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Save Your Can Tabs!Tabs Benefit Hackler Intermediate School With the start of the new school year coming up this month, it's a good time to remind everyone about our can tab collection program. Many Hackler Intermediate School students in need look forward to the help you give by collecting can tabs for recycling. The money received from the recycling center helps school personal purchase supplies for the student in need such as food, school supplies, tooth brushes, haircuts and occasionally lunches. Please keep your can tabs from, fruit, vegetables, soda, dog or cat food, etc. and bring them to the church office. |
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Chancel Choir
Although it’s still summer, the Chancel Choir is gearing up for Christmas! I know…seems impossible but that’s how we do it. In mid-September we will begin studying and rehearsing our Christmas Cantata. Some of you have joined us just for that and I’m hoping you and many more will do the same. If you are interested or even just thinking about it, let me know. Pray about this. God may just be calling you to do so, or even joining the Chancel Choir on a regular basis. You are welcome to join us. We sing, we laugh, we pray, we worship, we lead, we serve. It’s a lot of fun and I KNOW is pleases our LORD! I look forward to hearing from many of You! Blessings, For more infomation visit:
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Tech Ministry Volunteers Needed
Technology has become integral to church ministry. From the sound operators to the video operators to the computer operators, our Tech team is an imporatant part of how we experience worship. Whether it is in person, online, on television or on the radio, it takes a team of volunteers to make sure we see and hear the pastor as he preaches, the chancel choir, the handbells or the praise team as they make beautiful music, or the visual aids that help to get the gospel point across in a meaningful way. Volunteers are essential for this important part of ministry. I know tech can seem overwhelming to some, but many of these volunteer positions are much more simple than you might think. If you feel led to serve, but prefer to do something a little more "behind the scenes", this might be just the thing for you. Whether you attend contemporary or traditional worship, your help is wanted. Contact Laura if you are interested in serving on the Tech Team or would like more information. For more infomation visit:
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Children's MinistryFirst Kidz Corner Hello All! It's been a great but hot summer so far! We had a amazing time at SCUBA VBS diving into friendship with God!! We had fun going to the movies to see Disney's Inside Out 2! With back to school time approaching quickly, we want to tell you that we will be celebrating with a church wide event, Back to School at the Pool on Saturday, August 17th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the City Pool! We will have pizza for dinner at 5:00 and popsicles for dessert. Water will be provided but you may also broing your own drinks. We will also have our special crossover event after that at Cooper Park as we celebrate our kids that are leaving the children's program this year and crossing over to the youth program! All are welcome! The next day is our Back to School Backpack Blessing so bring you backpacks to church with you Sunday, August 18th to be blessed and get a backpack tag! Wednesday afternoon ministry will start back the Wednesday after Labor Day, September 4th, so make sure you register your child(ren). You can register them using the button below or from the Children's Ministry page on the church website at fumcmh.org/children. If you are an adult and you are interested in volunteering with the children on Wednesdays, please let me know. If you have any questions or would like to help on Wednesdays, email me at llaw@fumcmh.org. Thank you for all your support! God Bless! UPCOMING EVENTS
Use the links above or search:
Facebook: "First Kidz" or search our username: @fumcmhfirstkidz
Instagram: @fumcmhkidz
For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/a6893dad-12c0-417c-a051-116317e8cd2b
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Youth Ministries605 Student Ministry Hello 605 Students and Families,
Oh, my has this summer flown by. It started slow but July has just gone by in what seems to be an instant. This month has been jam packed starting with a trip to White Water where a group of 15 of us went and had a blast for the day and surprisingly all came home without sun burns, we are all grateful for that! We then had Bible Study which was a great time to connect and while we may not have done what was planned, some great conversation was had! I then got to spend a week at Mission U at Hendrix College hanging out with some great youth and learning some new games for us to play here at FUMC! My last trip of July and the summer was to Assembly through ACCYM. Y’all this conference was a blast. There was awesome worship, great speakers, wonderful small groups, and so much fun to be had. I would love to tell you more about it, come find me sometime and I will. Also students and families be on the lookout for more information next summer about Assembly because I would love for you to all come with me next year! If you love Veritas you will love Assembly too! With summer winding down it is also time to start thinking about school starting. This means Wednesday Youth starting back up to! Our first Wednesday of the year will be September 4th and there are some exciting changes coming to youth this fall so keep an eye out for communication coming about that and check out the September newsletter for more information! While fall is fast approaching there are still some things in August that you should be aware of so here are those: August 2nd- Bible Study at Cove Coffee from 9:00-10:00AM August 14th- Open Gym from 2:00-4:00PM August 17th- Back to School Pool Party @ MH City Pool 5:00-7:00PM
August 17th- Youth Crossover Celebration! (More info to come)
August 18th- Dreaming Session 10:00-10:45AM UMAC (This is a changed date from your summer newsletter) August 20-24th- MH Fair! Students if you work a shift at the FUMC Booth for the fair Kyra will sign off on volunteer hours for you! August 23rd- Bomber Fest. We could use some help collecting food at the game Friday night and transporting food from the different entrances to the BackPack Trailer! Contact Kyra or Kathy Bauer for more information. August 24th- Helping the Backpack Program after BomberFest! 9:00AM. This is another opportunity for students to get some volunteer hours if they come help us organize food in the backpack room at the church. Please let Kyra Anthony know if you need anything or have questions about Student Ministries!!
Blessings as school rolls around and starts back up!
Kyra Anthony
Join 605 Student Ministries on Social Media!
Facebook: FUMC Mountain Home Youth
Youtube: 605students_fumcmh
Instagram: 605students_fumcmh
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Monthly GivingJuly 2024 |
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Memorials & Honorariums
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Prayer List
Prayers after Loss: Concerns:
For more infomation visit: https://fumcmhorg.elvanto.net/form/1393a17f-3261-11e6-9f8a-06023090f36d