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July 2024
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The church will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Have a safe and happy holiday. |
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Rev. Daniel ThuesonShould Christians force their religion on people? And, should we force people to convert to Christianity? Should Christians force their religion on people? And, should we force people to convert to Christianity? Recently, Louisiana recently passed a law mandating all public school classrooms to display the 10 Commandments. In similar fashion, Oklahoma mandated that all public schools must teach the Bible and Ten Commandments. I’m all for people reading and learning about the bile. The wisdom and morals found within are foundational to our western civilization. They’re part of the bedrock of our culture and society. Yet, is mandating religious teaching the best way for Christians to share the gospel and make disciples? The First Amendment of the US Constitution provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This was created specifically to guarantee that the government would not impose religious doctrine upon the people. It gave people the freedom to choose their own religion or no religion at all. This was important to our nation’s founders because they experienced what it was like for their previous government to impose specific religious belief. World governments have a long history of marrying state religion with political power. For example, the writers of the Magna Carta included individual and church rights and freedoms. King John’s answer was to gain support from Pope Innocent and declare it unlawful. A violent response broke out on both sides. I grew up in Oklahoma and most high schools already offered Old Testament as Literature as an elective. In my school, it was usually listed right beside Greek Mythology. In Louisiana, a Hindu priest made a request, considering the new law, to display some of their ancient religious Sanskrit writings from the Bhagavad Gita to be displayed in public classrooms alongside the Ten Commandments. Perhaps the elective route is better than forcing this on students. There is wisdom in the government not forcing religion on the people. If we allow the government that much power, then the question becomes, which religion? Which denomination? Are we all to submit to the pope? Are we all to become Pentecostal? Are we all to become fundamentalists? Are we all to become universalists? Are we all to become atheists? The marriage of church and state is always a dangerous thing. Governments long for the influence of the church and churches often long for the power of the state. Mixing the two is often compounds the worst of each. The result is often destructive. Anytime the church leaves a wake of destruction and pain, it’s on the wrong path. Anytime we force our faith on someone, we risk making them hate us. Equally, faith by force is not faith at all. Forced conversions are not true conversion. They must be of the heart. If we mandate our faith on people, the most likely result is resentment. We hear about cults using indoctrination, brainwashing, and what many groups practice as a form of torture. Let us not be counted among them. Jesus said teach, show, serve, and most of all love. No where did he say force. There’s a reason Rome hung him on a cross. It wasn’t because he was forcing others to follow him. Instead, he was showing people a better way, his Kingdom way, that was opposed to Rome. Jesus and Rome (the government) cannot both be your king. You will love one and despise the other. If we try to mix them into the same thing by our own power, then we make idols and go astray. There is a better way. Paul preached at Mars Hill about the Unknown God. He didn’t begin by telling people what they were doing wrong. He didn’t force the people to agree with him. He presented his persuasive position to those willing to listen. He began by finding common ground and praising them for something they were doing right. Then he showed them a better way. Jesus is that better way. Not the Ten Commandments. Not the Bible. Not the Bhagavad Gita. Not any religious writing. Rather, a real life relationship that leads to the transformation of our heart and mind. We achieve this by living like Jesus, taking up our cross, following him, and doing as he said to do. Truly, his way is the better way. This is how we make life better and you better at life through Jesus Christ. Grace and Peace, Pastor Daniel For more infomation visit:
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Communion SundayJuly 7th Communion Stewards 9:00 Crossraods Servers 11:00 Traditional Servers
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Thank YouFrom Sharon Jones To all the lovely people who hugged me and said that they would miss me, I will miss you too! You are a very special part of my life and worth missing. Thank you for the fabulous party, delicious goodies, sweet cards and the room full of love Sharon
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Hydrating the HomelessVBS Mission Project This year during our VBS our mission project was to help keep our local homeless community hyrdated during the hot summer months by bringing their loose change each day of VBS to donate to a summer water drive. The children and their fasmilies donated $471.43 to our Hope For All homeless mission! A big shout out to Hiram Shaddox for donating the prizes for the VBS crew that collected the most! |
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The Chosen Watch Party
Join us this Summer as we will be watching Season 2 of The Chosen. This is a multi-season TV Series about the life of Jesus. It imagines Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him in 1st century Galilee. Weare gathering on Monday evenings at 6:00 pm in the Seekers classroom, Room #213. |
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Welcome New Members!
Welcome to our newest members! The folowing people have recently become official members of our church family here at FUMCMH: Kyra Anthony Congratulate them and introduce yourself if you haven't already! Also, if you are interested in joining the church, please contact Pastor Daniel.
For more infomation visit:
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Administrative Board Meeting
Join us on Thursday, July 11th at 6:30 in the Seekers Classroom 213 for an Administrative Board Meeting. We will be discussing some important issues and making some tough decisions. |
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Ladies Summer LuncheonPotluck All ladies, please join us on Wednesday, July 17th at Noon for a summer luncheon. Bring your favorite salad and get acquainted with other women at FUMC-MH. There is a sign up sheet located at the Hospitality Desk or call the church office to RSVP. We’d love to see you there! Hosted by the Monday Morning Ladies Life Group. |
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Chancel Choir
The chancel Choir will be taking a break from Wednesday evening practices beginning July 10th. They will resume practice on August 14th at 6:30pm. This would be a great time to join the choir if you are interested. |
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Kid's Movie MatineePre-K through 5th Grade We will be going to the 1:45 matinee at Sun Valley Cinema on July 17. The church bus will depart from the church at 1:15pm. Adults, if you are free and would like to help out and go with, let Laura know. The matinee tickets are $8 each and the kid's tray is $8.50. |
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White WaterYouth Trip The Youth will be taking a trip on Friday, July 12th to White Water in Branson. The bus will be leaving at 9:15 am and will return 9:00 pm(tentatively). Cost is $45 per student(scholarships are available if needed). Please contact Kyra Anthony by Monday, July 8th at 12:00 pm if you would like to attend. For more infomation visit:
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Wesley KitchenDeep Cleaning Every year Wesley Kitchen shuts down for a couple weeks during the summer. This year we will be closed July 22nd & July 29th. We will resume meals on Monday, August 5th. |
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Baxter County Fair BoothWednesday, August 21st - Saturday, August 24th The Baxter County Fair will be here before we know it and we have our spot secured. The dates for this year are Wednesday, August 21st - Saturday, August 24th. Be on the lookout in the next couple of weeks for a sign up sheet so you can get first dibs on your favorite time and day to volunteer! |
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Ozark Mission Project
OMP exists to transform lives through worship, fellowship, and hands-on mission. We’ve found that many Arkansans cannot safely access their homes, or may have difficulty in completing minor repair and care projects needed for their homes. We meet this need by bringing youth and adult volunteers together in a Christ-centered program designed to impact lives through the projects completed, the lessons learned, and above all the relationships built.
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Children's MinistryFirst Kidz Corner Hello All! What a great summer we are having so far! Thank you to the many volunteers who helped with SCUBA VBS! It was a huge success and the kids had a blast diving into friendship with God! Adult and Youth Volunteers had just as much fun and we couldn't have done it without them! We have a few more events this summer so mark your calendars!
July 17: Movie Matinee at Sun Valley • Depart at 1:15pm
August 17: Back to School at the Pool • 5:00-7:00pm
August 18: Blessing of the backpacks • both services
Have a safe and happy Independance Day!
Happy Birthday United States of America! Laura Law
Use the links above or search:
Facebook: "First Kidz" or search our username: @fumcmhfirstkidz
Instagram: @fumcmhkidz
For more infomation visit:
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Youth Ministries605 Student Ministry Hello 605 Students and Families,
This summer has been a whirlwind and it is only gonna stay busy this month! Summer is a crazy time of year and there is a lot going on, but it is also a time for many of us to get some rest and to celebrate all of the hard we do throughout the year. This is also the time for families to get together and vacation and be families together. I am so grateful for this summer and the time here that I have had in Mountain Home! Although it is hot I am grateful for the days that the sun has been shining and the ability to be outside, and the great feeling of air conditioning, and for ice cream as a sweet treat! In June we have seen students participate in their summer activities, VBS was an awesome experience for all children, students, and adults involved, and three of our awesome 605 students and two adults went to OMP in Maumelle for a week. With all of these great things that have happened, I am also super excited to share what we have coming up in the month of July! So here is what our schedule looks like: July 10th- 2:00-4:00PM Open Gym at FUMC July 12th- 9:00AM-9:00PM(?) Day at White Water in Branson July 14th- 10:00-10:45AM Youth Dreaming Session in the youth room July 16th- 9:00AM-10:00AM Bible Study at Cove Coffee July 27th- 4:00-6:00PM Open Gym at FUMC July 28th- 10:00-10:45AM Youth Dreaming Session in the youth room I hope to see students, families, and friends at any or all of these events! I wish you a cool July and fulfilled one as well! Blessings, Kyra Join 605 Student Ministries on Social Media!
Facebook: FUMC Mountain Home Youth
Youtube: 605students_fumcmh
Instagram: 605students_fumcmh
For more infomation visit:
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Monthly GivingJune 2024 |
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Memorials & Honorariums
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Prayer List
Prayers After Loss: Concerns: |